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What is Art Of Winning?

Art of Winning is a Peak Performance Training Organization. We have so far catered coaching to thousands of students. We are pioneer and leader in this field due to our Workshops on LIFE TRANSFORMATION.

Why Art Of Winning?

We are determined and dedicated to the right attitude, right discipline, right knowledge and skills to get the right results.

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Dr. Rajesh Kankavlikar (Ph.D.) has conducted numerous peak performance programs since 2008. He has conducted and trained thousands through his Workshops on Life Transformation.

  • Trained by Tony Robbins Institute (San Deigo, USA)
  • Trained by Lanmark Education (USA)
  • Neuro Linguistic Program (NLP.) from Dr. Richard Bandler (USA).
  • An International Certified NLP Trainer.
  • Selling & Marketing Skills by Shiv Khera.
  • Success Principles by Jack Canfield.
  • Personality Development & Public Speaking courses.
  • ‘Train the Trainer’ Course from MITCON Institute, Pune.
  • Bachelor’s degree from Mithibai College, Mumbai.
  • Master of Philosophy.
  • Doctor of Philosophy
  • Personally coached by his father Dr. Umesh Kankavlikar who is a renowned Motivational Speaker & an author to many books including his bestseller book “Mi Vijeta Honarach !” in Marathi.

He also conducts programs on Health and Fitness. He is into Body-Building since 2003 and a Black Belt in Karate too. Dr. Rajesh has trained many individuals for their Nutrition and Exercise. He has conducted programs for Schools, Colleges & Coaching Classes for making today’s youth a better & a successful individual for the future. Thousands have benefited by the training programs conducted by Dr. Rajesh Kankavlikar.

He is involved in social and charity activities & regularly donates to various charitable societies like Cry, Help-Age etc. He has voluntarily donated his blood on 56 occasions & has a goal of donating blood 200 times in his life span and make a Guinness World Record.

Dr. Umesh Pundalik Kankavlikar is a professional speaker and success coach. He has addressed more than 12 lac people in India. His key note speeches, talks, seminars and trainings are customized for each audience. They have been described as ‘Inspiring, Entertaining, Informative and Motivational’. He is creator of many bestseller books. His book and one act show ‘Mi Vijeta Honarach!’ has created history in its segment. He has been interviewed in all leading newspapers, radio and TV channels. He has also served in nationalized bank for 16 years. Ha has written 125 dreams, converted them into goals and achieved more than 111 out of them. One of his goals is to slam century of blood-donation and he is very close to it. He says, “Success is at my service” as he is a successful student, husband, father, author, speaker, trainer and an entrepreneur. After an intense research of 25 years he has achieved Doctorate. He has created revolution in motivational training sector. He has received many awards for his service for the betterment of the society. He is playing a key role of highly effective guide.
